Artificial Intelligence Rethought

Student-Led-Organization: Dedicated to helping educators around the world understand the implications of AI in education.

What Do We Do?

We are a team of passionate high school students, dedicated to helping teachers understand the truth about Ai. We work with teachers, admins, principals and other various educators to help explain what students actually think about Ai (and how they use it). Through our personal experience as students, we provide teachers with insights and support to get through the AI revolution.

1. Contact

If our team contacts you or you contact our team, this is where the AIR process starts.

2. Presentation

After first contact, we schedule a date to come to your school to give an Ai presentation.

3. Chatbot

If the presentation sparked your interest try out our chatbot to find the next step in their Ai journey.

Features illustration
Step into the future with us

Using the eductator chatbot

To start contact us immediately. Due to high initial demand we sadly cannot open up this great resource to every educator out there. Our tool will be only open to teachers who we have presented to. At the presentations we will handout activation codes which you can use to make an account.

  • Great Responses
  • Unlimited Uses
  • Upload PDFs
  • No code required
  • Always up to date
Features avatar
"Generative AI tools, when used effectively, have significant potential to enhance student learning and streamline routine tasks for school staff."
— Steven Langford - CIO of BSD

One on One Meetings

While we cannot provide this service to everyone, we can give our limited spots to teachers who are truly passionate. During this meeting, we would cover powerful Ai tools closely, create lesson plans, and then check in after to plan future steps. But what qualifies you for an one on one meeting?

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Qualification 1: Impact

We want to work closely with teachers who can make a real impact, who can create change in the community. This could be done in a various of ways and in various positions. If this is you: Contact Us.

Contact Us
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Qualification 2: Scale

How big is your scale? How many teachers do you work with who you can pass the information on to and how many students do you teach? All of these factors gives our work more purpose and meaning. If this is you: Contact Us.

Contact Us
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Qualification 3: Fairness

Something that we always keep in mind is fairness and equality. We do not and will not ever support unjustly treating anyone, these actions are unexcusable. If we work with a teacher we need to know that they are commited to the same values as us. If this is you: Contact Us.

Contact Us
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Qualification 4: Location

We are based out of Beaverton and any trips that would take 45+ minutes would be unreasonable for us. If you live within the general area of Beaverton: Contact Us.

Contact Us
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Qualification 5: Time

If we are going to put out time and effort into this meeting and working with you we hope that the teacher will also commit time too. If you are extremely busy with all of your responsibilities thats fine, we still hope you would use AI.

Contact Us

Future of AI and AIR

What happens next???

Be the change you want to see

. For teachers

Explore AI and be curious. AI is a massive field that there is always more to do, be creative with your goals and let our Ai chatbot help you.

. For Admins

What are we going to do about AI? Create an AI policy that can help creat guidelines for your school. Use Ai the right way!

. For AIR

We are going to be expanding. We don't know where yet but we will be. Ambition is what seperates us with those that want to be us.